Bulletin 12.11.2013

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Bulletin 12.11.2013

Focus on Vaccinations and Immunisations Guidance Update
The Focus on Vaccines and Immunisations Guidance has now been updated following the many recent changes to the vaccinations programme. This document explains the various payment mechanisms available, and the new sections include information about shingles, pertussis, childhood flu, rotavirus and meningitis C vaccinations.

HIV Testing Week
This letter  provides detail on HIV testing week (22-29 November) led by the Terrence Higgins Trust and funded by the Department of Health. This may result in your services receiving requests for an HIV test or information about HIV. National HIV Testing week promotes the benefits of HIV testing to gay and bisexual men and African communities. The British HIV Association and the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV are supporting this by encouraging clinicians in both hospital and primary care to be alert to the need to offer and recommend an HIV test. This may result in your services receiving requests for an HIV test or information about HIV.

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