Bulletin 12.02.2013

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Bulletin 12.02.2013

CQRS – Training and Registration Issues
NEPCSA have made us aware that some practices are experiencing difficulties in registering with CQRS and booking training places. Please note the LMS is only accessible via the N3 network. If you have experienced any issues relating to booking a training slot and/or logging onto the Learning Management System (LMS) in the past week, please visit the 
FAQs webpage in the first instance and if you are still experiencing difficulties please email Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk with details of the problem and your practice and we will escalate this to the CQRS team who will assist.

Booking for CQRS (the programme that replaces QMAS) training opened on 24th January for GP practices and CCGs. The first phase of training will begin on 25th February and will be conducted over a three week period. The sessions will be run via Adobe Connect, a web conference application. They will be hosted by a facilitator and users will be able to interact and ask questions. All the material from the training sessions, along with an audio recording, will be made available from 25th February 2013.Places are limited to one person per organisation. Further information is available here if you or a member of your GP practice or CCG would like to participate in this first phase of CQRS training.

Appraisal & Revalidation – GPC/RCGP Statements
The GPC and RCGP have agreed two statements on Safeguarding Children and Young People and Quality Improvement Activity
, written in conjunction with COGPED. The statements were agreed following numerous reports of PCTs requiring all GPs to attend training on child safeguarding and young people, and to clarify the revalidation evidence requirements for quality improvement activity.

Interim GPC Response on QOF Proposals
The GPC has published this interim response 
(with link to attached document) to the clinical QOF sections of the GP contract proposals. They are also in the process of drafting a full response to the rest of the proposals. Please help shape the GPC response by feeding in your views by responding to the BMA survey.

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