Bulletin 12.01.2010

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Bulletin 12.01.2010

084 Number Guidance

A ban on 084 telephone numbers that charge the public or patients a premium rate came into force 21 December 2009. However, 084 numbers that are no more expensive than the equivalent of a local call can continue to be used. There are a few practices in Tees that have 084 numbers and we believe the PCTs were working with these practices directly in preparation for the ban. We advise practices to get, if they haven’t already, a guarantee with regards to appropriate call charges from their 084 number supplier. Please ensure you are familiar with the following documents and are operating within the guidelines.

DH’s response to 084 consultation

Directions to NHS bodies concerning the cost of telephone calls in relation to health services – 21 December 2009

GPC Practice Finance subcommittee guidance on the use of 084 numbers in the NHS

Updated Disability Discrimination Act Guidance

The original DDA guidance for GPs, published in 2003, has now been updated. You can access the revised guidance, The Disability Discrimination Act: Physical adjustments to GP premises required under the Act, here.

Flu Respirator Fit Testing Leaflets and Posters

The DH has published downloadable posters and leaflets on how to use and fit test FFP3 respirators when carrying out aerosol-generating procedures patients with symptoms of influenza.

BMA 2010 Research Grants – available to apply for now

The 2010 research grants are now available to apply for online. Applications are invited from medical practitioners and/or research scientists and are for either research in progress or prospective research. The application deadline is 12 March 2010. Subject specifications for each grant vary. For example, in 2010, research areas include heart disease, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and schizophrenia.

For more information on the grants on offer in 2010 and details of how to apply, click here. Around 11 research grants are administered under the auspices of the Board of Science, all funded by past bequests to the BMA. Grants totaling approximately £500,000 are awarded annually.

2010/11 GMS Negotiations

Following negotiations between the GPC and NHS Employers, five existing Directed Enhanced Services (DESs) due to finish in March 2010 will be extended for a further year for 2010/11. There will be no other changes to the GMS contract next year, with the intention that practices experience a period of contract stability. The five DESs that will be extended to 2010/11 are the:

  • Extended Hours Access Scheme DES
  • Alcohol DES
  • Learning Disability DES
  • Osteoporosis DES
  • Ethnicity DES

There will be a cut off date for practices to inform their PCT if they wish to take up the Extended Hours Access Scheme DES, after which practices will no longer have an automatic right to participate. We will inform you of this date as soon as it is agreed. Please note that existing arrangements will apply to all these DESs.

NHS Pension Choice

The NHS Pension Choice exercise is programmed to start (in the North East) July – September 2010. Further details are available here.

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