Locum GP Death In Service Payments (Flu) Guidance
This guidance supersedes the BMA’s previous interim advice to locum GPs on death benefits during the flu pandemic. For many months the BMA has been working with NHSE officials to ensure that the dependants of locum GPs would be fully protected should the locum GP die while working for the NHS. The English Department of Health has now issued a letter to primary care trusts (PCTs) setting out how it considers the matter should be dealt with, and this guidance relates to that. The guidance can also be accessed here www.bma.org.uk/health_promotion_ethics/
Administration of Medicines in Nurseries Framework
Some nurseries are still referring to out-of-date guidance from the Department for Children, Schools and Families and refusing to administer over-the-counter medicines to children without a doctor’s prescription. The guidance on the provision of medicines to children in nurseries was amended in May 2008. ‘The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ permits the provision of both prescription only and of over the counter medication to children, with a guardian’s written permission (see page 25). The framework is available to download here http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk
The DH policy team working on Learning Disabilities will take into account all the issues the GPC have been telling them about when they review the DES internally. If anyone has problems with this DES, please could you contact Cleveland LMC.
NICE Guidance Development Group Recruiting GPs
NICE guidance on improving outcomes for people with skin cancer including melanoma – NICE are reviewing their guidance and are asking for GPs who are either minor surgeons or dermatologists or both to support their deliberations.
The National Collaborating Centre for Cancer (NCC-C) has been commissioned by NICE to update its guidance on Improving Outcomes for People with Skin Tumours including Melanoma (2003) http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CSGSTIM relating to the management of low risk basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) in the community. The NCC-C is now looking to recruit members to an expert Guidance Development Group (GDG) to formally review the original recommendations which relate to management of low risk BCCs in the community.
Dr Julia Verne, Deputy Regional Director of Public Health (South West Region) and Director of the South West Public Health Observatory, who chaired the original Guidance Development Group has agreed to Chair the new group to look specifically at this issue.
It is vital that the voice of genuine GPs is heard and that those who apply to do this are not intimidated by the volume of work or the volume of invective from hospital colleagues. If you are suitable, or know someone who you trust who is, please apply. GPs need to be involved with this . Further details of role and commitments required can be found here.