Bulletin 09.10.2012
Seasonal Flu – Correct Coding and a SystmOne Issue
We have been made aware that some practices are still using old coding details for flu vaccination reporting. Please check that you are using the new codes as per QOF 12/13 or you may hit payment problems. Additionally, there are concerns about the reports provided by TPP intended to identify the ‘at-risk’ patients eligible for flu vaccination. It appears that TPP have included a larger range of codes than necessary and this is resulting in inappropriate patients being identified. TPP have confirmed that there is a separate set of reports used for upload into ImmForm but there is no access to these reports so the PCT cannot check whether there will be a negative impact on reported achievement. Please ensure that you double check that you are calling and vaccinating the correct cohort bearing in mind this issue.
Overseas Patients
The aftermath of the Panorama programme has led to increased interest in this. Please do not hesitate to contact the LMC for advice pertaining to individual request. The latest DH statement is as follows:
Treatment provided by a GP is free of charge, whether registering as a temporary patient (when you are in the area for more than 24 hours and less than three months) or registering as an NHS patient. There are certain types of service in the NHS that are currently free of charge irrespective of country of normal residence. These are outlined in the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2011 as:
Emergency treatment at any Accident & Emergency (A&E) department, walk in centre or elsewhere (but not further emergency treatment (e.g. operations) away from these locations, or subsequent outpatient appointments)
Family planning services
Treatment for communicable diseases (see regulations for exact list)
Treatment for sexually transmitted infections (including HIV)
Diagnosis, counselling and treatment in relation to HIV
Those detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983 or treatment given for mental health problems as part of a court probation order
Procurement Guidance
The GPC has published this guidance explaining the basics of procurement law and policy.