Bulletin 09.02.2016

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Bulletin 09.02.2016

Zika Guidance for Primary Care
Zika virus guidance for primary care has now been published on the Public Health England website, as well as on the BMA website.

This is joint guidance between PHE, the BMA and RCGP and gives information and advice for practices when approached by patients who have travelled, or may be planning to travel to affected countries, and focuses on risks for pregnant women. Further information about the Zika virus and countries affected is available via the following link on the PHE website.

PCSE Records Movement Trial
Reminder, PCSE will commence the trial of the new record movement process using CitySprint this week. A letter has been sent to all practices outlining details. If you have not received this please email Janice.foster@nhs.net. Please DO NOT send any patient records during this trail process.

We have had an enquiry with regard to patients indicating to their GP that “the hospital have told me to stop my warfarin and your GP needs to sort out some injections instead”. We remind practices that if warfarin is to be stopped prior to surgery it is for the Trust to monitor the patients due to clinical risk as this being beyond GP expertise. If Tinzaparin injections are required the practice would provide this as part of a shared care agreement with the consultant; the consultant should request and explain, the practice would not make that decision. We deem this beyond the PETS in terms of the stopping/monitoring due to it being beyond competency of general practice BUT the injections if requested and agreed would fall under PETS as part of the pre op category.

Urgent Prescription for General Practice
The BMA has launched a campaign, ‘Urgent Prescription for General Practice’, to highlight the pressures on general practices, drawing on local examples of vulnerable practices and this under imminent threat of closure, and the damaging impact on patient care. A resource pack will be sent to practices shortly which will include guidance on managing inappropriate workload demands, setting up GP networks to create resilience, and how to highlight local pressures to MPs, the media and public. This campaign will have both a local and national focus to press for urgent government action to stabilise practices who find themselves vulnerable to any or all of the range of destabilising factors currently threatening the profession, including shrinking financial resources, rising workload, recruitment problems and understaffing, as well as providing the support and funding needed for a sustainable general practice of the future. You can read more about the campaign here. We will be providing similar advice and updates to the tanzaparin advice above in support of this campaign to help practices identify some work which may be less appropriate / inappropriate to be managed within practice at times of under capacity/workload pressure.

LMC Special Conference Resolutions
This special GPC News shows the conference resolutions, motions not reached and motions lost.

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