Bulletin 08.12.2009

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Bulletin 08.12.2009

Pandemic Flu – Sharing batches of H1N1 vaccines between practices and various updated guidance

MHRA have agreed have agreed that in order to immunise patients in the priority groups, vials of swine flu vaccine can be transferred between GP practices. Such transfers between GPs are not normally accepted practice. However, during the early phase of the swine flu vaccination programme, should it prove necessary for inter-practice transfers to take place, the health professionals involved should ensure, when dispatching and receiving vaccines, the maintenance of the cold chain, traceability, and provision of current patient information leaflets and summaries of product characteristics – latest versions available from here.

Quality Control North West has produced ‘Safe Handling Standard Operating Procedure for the Repackaging of Bulk Packs of H1N1 Influenza Vaccines under the Supervision of a Pharmacist‘ on behalf of the NHS Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer has also published a this letter which includes information about repackaging boxes of H1N1 vaccine for onward distribution .

We will forward information on the vaccination of children under 5 as soon as we have it. In the mean time there have been a number of updated/new documents all of which can be accessed by following the links below:

Second edition of ‘Preparing for pandemic influenza – guidance for GP practices’
– this will be available shortly and reflects the current situation rather than the severe and aggressive pandemic originally prepared for.

DH Delivery and distribution of H1N1 vaccines FAQ

Updated BMJ H1N1 patient information leaflet

DH Flowchart for triage: swine flu patients
– for GP practice managers and receptionists.

DH Swine flu and rough sleepers
– for organisations working with rough sleepers in England.

Med1web/Novachannel, developments on being removed from their directory

We have written many times with warnings about Med1web otherwise known as NovaChannel but this time we hopefully bring a ray of hope for those registered with them! The organisation has now ceased trading from Switzerland but GPC believe payment for the Med1web forms is now being pursued by United Lda (a Portugese company). However we are aware of one doctor who has recently received a letter from United Lda notifying him that they had reviewed his file and that, because he is not an independent doctor, they have deleted his particulars from the directory and that the contract is null and void. We therefore advise all NHS GPs who unwittingly signed up to the Med1web form to contact United Lda asking for their details to the removed from its directory and for any contract to be terminated. United Lda’s address is: PO Box 1571, 1056-001 Lisbon, Portugal or email: info@med1web.com.

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