Bulletin 04.09.2012
Red/Amber Drugs
We have been made aware that practices are increasingly being asked to prescribe red/amber drugs, under shared care arrangements, for which no local agreements exist. The LMC advice remains that you should only prescribe medication for which you feel competent to prescribe/monitor. Once you issue a prescription, you become clinically responsible for that patient not the consultant who may be overseeing the patient. Additionally, please remember that red/amber drugs should only be transferred by agreement with funding in place for monitoring.
Cleveland LMC Organisational Change
Cleveland Local Medical Committee has established a Limited Company which runs in parallel with the Committee. This protects Officers, Members and Constituents of the Committee as it limits their liability. All advice is now provided by Cleveland LMC Limited; the LMC is responsible for formal representative activities including elections and levy collection. In practise this will make no difference to the service that GPs receive and has been undertaken following extensive legal advice. If you have any questions or wish to have further details, please contact the LMC office.