Bulletin 04.08.2014

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Bulletin 04.08.2014

PIP Codes
Chemist and Druggist (C&D) believe practices are using PIP codes without a valid licence and have been sending final demands insisting on payment. However, the GPC, the Dispensing Doctors Association (DDA) and NHS England believe that because practices order through a wholesaler, who in many cases have an end user license, they should not be charged again for this licence and all agree that practices should not pay any invoices they receive from C&D demanding payment for the PIP licence. NHS England is monitoring the situation and if you encounter any problems, contact the GPC on info.gpc@bma.org.uk so they follow this up.

CQC Guidance on DBS Checks
You may find it helpful to be aware of this guidance CQC has issued to its inspectors ahead of inspections.

Indemnity Arrangements
New legislation resulted in a change in indemnity arrangement as if 16 July. Historically there was no requirement for private practitioners to have indemnity but this is now a requirement for all healthcare professionals.  At the same time the NMC has required all nurses to be indemnified prior to obtaining or maintaining registration. Please ensure your indemnity arrangements, and those of your staff, are up to date. The Health Care & Associated Professions (Indemnity Arrangements) Order 2014 {SI 2014 No 1887}.

Dementia Extract
This additional information on the forthcoming dementia extract follows on from an email that practices received from the HSCIC in the week of 21 July.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
This survey is being distributed to help inform each Health and Wellbeing Board in the Tees Valley as they prepare to publish a new Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) in the spring of 2015. Please provide your view via www.surveymonkey.com/s/pharmacy_stakeholder_yourviews before the closing date of 10 August 2014. PNAs describe the pharmaceutical services in a given area and how they meet the needs of the local population. They should identify current and possible future gaps in provision and what might be required to fill those gaps. NHS England (Durham, Darlington Tees Area Team) uses the PNA when making decisions on the commissioning of pharmaceutical services in our HWB areas, including applications to open new pharmacies. The PNA also provides a resource and steer for other local commissioners (e.g., CCGs and Local Authorities) when planning or reviewing local pathways or processes that involve, or impact, pharmaceutical services.

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