Bulletin 04.08.2009

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Bulletin 04.08.2009

Pandemic Flu Update

On Friday (31/7) the PCT sent an important update to all practices. If you haven’t had the opportunity to look at it,for your ease we have updated a link and you can do so here.

Assessing Children with Swine Flu

The GPC, RCGP and RCPCH have published a joint statement for assessing children with suspected swine flu (H1N1). Children under 1 with flu-like symptoms should be seen and assessed by GPs to exclude other serious treatable diseases, to establish the severity of illness and assess whether additional treatment is required (e.g. oral antibiotics). Some older children may need face-to-face assessment. regarding guidance for assessing children with a possible diagnosis of swine flu. Read the full statement here www.bma.org.uk/health_promotion_ethics 

Reporting Adverse Side-effects for Antivirals

You may already be aware of this, but the MHRA has a dedicated page on their website where patients and Healthcare professionals can report adverse side effects for the antivirals Tamiflu and Relenza: swineflu.mhra.gov.uk

Child Death Review Process

The Department for Children Schools and Families document, ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’, 2006 sets out guidance intended to protect and promote the welfare of children. The document outlines the responsibilities of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to ensure effective co-ordination between individuals and organisations throughout local authority areas and sets out the review process following a child’s death. As part of the Children Act 2004, LSCBs became mandatory in April 2008 and as a result, the procedures set out regarding the Child Death Review Process became statutory. You can view the document here. It is also available on the BMA website www.bma.org.uk/employmentandcontracts

Final Seniority Figures for 04/05 & 05/06

The NHS Information Centre has published the Final Seniority Figures for 2004/05 and 2005/06 for GMS in England and Wales. The figures for England are: £81,123 and £91,123 respectively and for Wales £71,535 and £81,413. The figures for the other nations are being published separately. After taking legal advice, the Department of Health has decided that the NHS Information Centre should not work out a Final Seniority Figure for PMS because PMS contracts are local contracts. The GPC therefore advises PMS practices and LMCs that they should also use the GMS figure. Further details about how the Final Seniority Figures have been calculated are available on the NHS Information Centre’s website at www.ic.nhs.uk

LMC GP Conference – Date for your diary

Early notification – Cleveland LMC is organising a conference for all GPs across Tees at Middlesbrough Football Club on 24 November. Agenda items will cover Partnership & Partnership Agreements and Revalidation. It is hoped that Dr Laurence Buckman, Chairman of the GPC will top the bill as the guest speaker. Further information will be circulated shortly but in the meantime ensure you put the date in your diary.

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