Bulletin 03.09.2013
Care.data Information for Practices
Further to our update in the last bulletin (see below) we can now advise that in the next couple of weeks you will receive an email containing links to various resources and guidance, together with a communications pack with patient information materials. You can view some of the information here. The documents include:
- An updated joint statement between the RCGP, BMA. NHS England and HSCIC
- Updated GP Guidance
- A GP practice toolkit, including a checklist
Once received, you should display the poster and make leaflets available in the practice without delay as extractions will be begin approximately 8 weeks after you receive the materials. FAQ 6 provides some further guidance on what practices should do to raise awareness. The guidance also explains how to manage patient objections to the disclosure of their personal confidential data. Additional supporting activity to help raise awareness is being planned by NHS England at a regional and national level and we will provide further details of this as soon as possible.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) are providing a helpline for GPs with queries and can be contacted on 0845 300 6016 or by emailing enquiries@hscic.gov.uk, quoting ‘care.data – GP’ in the subject line. The helpline can also be used where practices need further guidance in responding to queries from patients that are not answered by the patient FAQs.
NHS Community Pharmacy Advanced Services Briefing
This Briefing has been developed jointly by NHS Employers, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) and the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) to provide information for GP practices about advanced services provided by community pharmacies in England under the new NHS structures implemented in April 2013.It covers both Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) and the New Medicine Service (NMS).
Childhood Influenza Vaccination Programme FAQs
The GPC have published joint FAQs together with NHS Employers and NHS England, to help answer questions about the childhood influenza vaccination programme.