Bulletin 03.02.2015
Flu Vaccination, Practice Staff Data Collection
Reminder – January collection of practice staff flu vaccination uptake is now open and will close Tuesday 10 February. This collection is mandatory and data should be submitted manually via Immform. Please note that an extra survey month has been added in March for data up to 28/02/2015 – the March survey will be open from 2 – 10 March.
Audit of Potentially Avoidable Appointments and Reducing Bureaucracy
Notwithstanding that GPs are already overloaded with paperwork, we encourage as many GPs as possible to take a little time to engage in the Primary Care Foundation work (commissioned by NHS England) looking at ways in which practice workload might be reduced. The Primary Care Foundation has developed an audit tool to collect information on shaping demand to reduce avoidable appointments. Practice managers are also invited to respond to the survey on reducing bureaucracy.
The GPC is supportive of this initiative and are confident it will help to demonstrate the excessive pressures facing general practice. The results will also be an important lever to achieve system and commissioning changes to reduce inappropriate demand and workload. If three or more members of a practice complete this audit, the Primary Care Foundation will prepare a report for the practice, comparing results. You can find out more about both the audit tool and survey here.