Bulletin 02.06.2015

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Bulletin 02.06.2015

Workforce Data Submission Deadline Extension to Sunday 7 June 2015
It has been agreed nationally to extend the deadline to submit the required workforce information to Sunday 7th June 2015 to assist practices in completing this exercise and avoid a potential contractual breach. All GP practices are required to submit their Workforce Census electronically through the primary care website: www.primarycare.nhs.uk. If there are difficulties in achieving this requirement please contact Jenny Long, jenniferlong@nhs.net. The GPC have provided this guidance to assist with FAQs. If you experience any technical difficulties related to not being able to view the content of the WMDS, questions about its content or technical issues related to submitting the workforce census then please contact HSCIC enquiries service at enquiries@hscic.gov.uk or call 0300 303 5678. Further guidance and support have also been provided on the HSCIC website. If you have already been in contact with your NHS England Region about this or have since submitted your workforce information then please ignore this message.

Named GP, GPC Guidance
GPC have published updated guidance on the requirements under the contract for named GP.

Digital Signatures as Consent
Many practices will have received a letter from Legal & General advising they will only provide digital signatures as proof of patient consent. There is good legal basis and precedence to accept digital signatures only. However, GPC have been in discussion with the insurance industry about this proposed change. GPC are satisfied in principle but have requested the insurance companies make some further changes to their proposed process before the GPC agree to them. Therefore, GPC advise practices to decline digital signatures at present citing that there is not agreement with GPC yet. After there is agreement it will be up to practices whether to accept these or not. GPC will circulate details once the process is fully agreed. On the same note, GPC have still not agreed with ICO whether it is lawful for insurance companies to use SAR instead of a PMAR. There is a recommended proforma letter on the BMA website that practices can send to their patients when one is requested

Complaints Procedure Data Return
The 2014/15 K041b complaints data return for general practice will be collected by the NHS England Primary Care Website. It is a statutory and contractual requirement to declare complaints information. The collection period is now open and available to complete a submission between: 27th May 2015 through to 8th July 2015. Your practice will have received a letter from NHS England with further details about the collection. Practice staff who have the permission to submit the annual practice declaration to NHS England will inherit the permissions and ability to be able to submit the K041b. Guidance is also available on the HSCIC website.

Changes for Temazepam & EPS
Please note this memo regarding legislation changes to Temazepam and EPS previously circulated to all practices.

Ebola, DoH Reminder for GPs
The Department of Health have requested we circulate this one page document to all GPs together with the reminder that while the risk of Ebola in the UK remains low, the DoH want to ensure that GPs remain vigilant and prepared in case someone with possible Ebola symptoms presents at their practice.

2015 LMC Conference
This latest edition of GPC news shows the conference resolutions, election results, motions not reach and motions lost.

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