Bulletin 02.03.2010

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Bulletin 02.03.2010

Summary Care Records (SCR)

There are serious concerns about the implementation of the SCR across the country. The BMA/GPC continue to press CfH for more resources to publicise and to assist practices with the work involved and have produced this guidance to assist practices. Londonwide LMCs are kindly sharing some useful information they have produced which is available here and for your ease the opt-out information and form (which is hidden at the end of the document!) is here.

Fit Notes

From 6 April 2010 the current Med 3 and Med 5 medical statements are being replaced with the new Statement of Fitness for Work. The DWP have produced a short guide on these changes here.

Pandemic Flu – ready reckoner (PE7 & PE8 easements)

NHS Employers have sent this letter to all PCTs with details of a ready reckoner that has been produced to calculate the easements to the thresholds for QOF indicators PE7 and 8 as part of agreement for the phase 1 swine flu vaccinations.

Impact of 2009 Budget on NHS Pensions

In his Budget on 22 April 2009, the Chancellor announced the introduction, from 6 April 2010, of a new additional rate of income tax of 50%, applying to taxable income over £150,000. In order to prevent this resulting in an increase to the tax relief granted on pension contributions, the Chancellor also announced that from 6 April 2011, tax relief on pension contributions for high earners will be restricted. The BMA has produced guidance that looks at the changes to tax relief on pension contributions, along with the ’anti-forestalling’ measures that the Government has put in place to limit individuals who may otherwise have been tempted to maximise their tax relief by making additional contributions before 6 April 2011.

GP Academic Fellowships

Are you a GP with an academic interest? The National Institute for Health Research has recently launched in-practice fellowships which aim to offer academic training to fully-qualified General Practitioners and General Dental Practitioners who may have already spent some time in NHS practice and who have had little formal academic training at this point in their careers. Further information here.

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