Bulletin 01.03.2022
Bulletin 01.03.2022
- Update on 2022/23 GP contract negotiations
- Lifting COVID restrictions and infection control
- GP Fellowships
- Important reminder NENC Primary Care Training Hub: Training Needs Analysis – Non-Medical General Practice Workforce
- NHS Elective Recovery Plan
- Supporting people on waitlists – NHSE ‘my Planned Care’ public platform now live
- patient access to records
- Ordering DWP leaflets
- COVID-19 vaccinations for all 5-11 year olds
- Next steps for vaccination programme
- GP pressures
- Fuller Stocktake
- New NHSE Campaign – early cancer diagnosis
- Validium and supportive documents March 2022
- The Cameron Fund – latest video
- GPC GP & Sessional GP Bulletin & Informal Messaging
- BMA COVID-19 guidance
- Mental Health and wellbeing – looking after you and your practice team